Thursday, May 24, 2012

Final Destination

It’s nearing the end of May, the school year, and double digit temperatures here in Cat Box.  Oh how I hate it.  The part of the yard that needs the most work is of course in the sun most of the day.  My hands are healing up well .  I talked to the doctor and he asked if there was anyone that could/would massage my incision site.  I told him that D’s still in Europe, so he suggested a “personal massager” to help me with that issue.  I’m pretty sure I blushed when he mentioned it, cause, honestly, who thinks of a personal massager in an innocent context?  I mean, damn, “personal massager” and the phrase ‘brown chicken brown cow” (sing it out loud, you’ll get it) streaks through my mind like a nudist on a preschool playground.  Yes, complete with police chasing him demanding that he stop.  Ha ha.
Current word on D coming back to the states is “within 30 days or someone’s getting fired.”  Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.  Suuuuuuure.  Pull the other one, it’s got bells on it, mister.  I told D that someone NEEDS to get fired.  I’ve told everyone else that I’m not gonna believe it till there’s orders.  Period.  Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.  A friend of the family told me that no one will get fired, they’ll just get a slap on the wrist.  I’m past caring.
So far so good on the progress on the new place to live back East.  Yeah.  Final destination, right there.  I’ve got a tentative address, I’ve looked at it with google earth.  The people involved (there’s multiple families) have all been doing their own research about personal interests and ways to stay as off the grid as possible… D’s obsessed with rabbits.  Lenny in Of Mice and Men* level obsessed.  L and I giggle about it when we compare notes every few weeks “I wanna pet the bunnies, George.”  I’m not sure that D gets it; I’m pretty sure he’s never seen the movie or read the book.  But that’s okay.  It’s something to tease him about that isn’t going to set off his anxiety like the big freezer sealing itself does.
So there’s this new distribution company that I NEED to get involved with…  It does skin care and the products may FINALLY get rid of the visible red veins on my cheeks and the gross sticky/oily skin left on my face after I wash it.  But, as with anything else, it costs money.  So, it’s on the back burner.  Dammitall. 
And with that, dear readers, I need to consider supper, and possibly start organizing/purging my bookmarks.  It took me a few tries to find the link for T1 lines that I’d told D about a few weeks ago and again today…

*Thanks to Squish for correcting me!  You rock out loud!

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